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About Us

Moding today’s generation for a better tomorrow
Aletha Wallace

A message from the Founder and Director

I am Aletha Wallace - founder and director of Liberia Entrepreneur Educational Foundation (LEEF). I am originally from Liberia, West Africa. Professionally, I work as a Consultant, Project Manager Quality Assurance and Compliance/Auditor within the Biotech Industry. I serve as a member on the advisory board of the  council   on Sustainable Development Cooperation (GROS) of the municipality Hoeilaart.


In 2018, I was nominated in Hoeilaart as an ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education. In 2019, I was also nominated and won the woman of the year price in Hoeilaart.


My passion is to be a changemaker working to bring about sustainable change. I want to build a bridge of mutual exchange with partners to mobilize and advocate for education and health thereby impacting young people lives and stimulating ownership. As a changemaker, I advocate for a just and sustainable world.


It is my delight to introduce LEEF to you. LEEF is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 and is aimed at creating equal opportunity for the underprivileged in Liberia. Our team consists of dedicated dreamers who believe that our efforts can make a huge difference. Our goal is to be a catalyst for more dreams to be realized and more lives to be improved. We are passionate about helping people toward a more empowered and satisfying life.


Our educational model inspires a spirit of entrepreneurship. With the help of skilled and inspirational staff, LEEF aim to deliver an educational package that includes academic as well as technical and vocational training. Besides, we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. We also support health initiatives; I am convinced that education and health are human rights and not favours.


Join us to make an impact and bring about positive transformation in our world.

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Vision and Mission

The Liberia Entrepreneur Educational Foundation (LEEF) is a non-profit and aims at responding to the needs of socio-economic development in Liberia through the implementation of a community-based integrated education targeting school-going children and young adolescents of Liberia. With low to extremely low literacy rates and the high unemployment rate in Liberia, this project will respond to the problem in many ways, some of which are: the provision of a sustainable, accessible, and quality education. This project intends to empower through education, thus raising a generation of entrepreneurs creating jobs for themselves and others.


We also aim to deliver quality education in a friendly learning environment. Moreover, we want to install accelerated learning programs for disadvantaged young people. We seek to impact and make young people resilient through education, increasing their chances, and thereby creating new generation of entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs will create opportunities for other Liberians. Our school project will create job opportunities for teaching staff. 


Our educational model is innovative and unique because our focus is on broadening study options and offers to allow students to follow their passion and create a future for themselves and others. 


The positive impact of our work is that LEEF will provide quality education through our school project to the most vulnerable in society. LEEF book and educational drive support schools, and other organizations by providing books and educational materials for students and teaching staff.


Our work is centred around the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and we work to respond to SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 1: No poverty, SDG 5: Gender equality, SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities.

Our Partners

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