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Support us

You can be a service to us in many ways

Individual Support

LEEF accepts donations from individuals; the financial support goes directly to the funding of our projects and initiatives.


For a donation of 40 Euros or more, a tax-deduction certificate can be obtained. All donations can be made to LEEF project account with our partner organization Leraars zonder Grenzen (LzG).


Bank Details: BE48 5230 8027 2427; the payment reference is "Gift to LzG: LEEF-Liberia."

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Corporate Support

LEEF also accepts a corporative partnership in fostering our project and investing in future generations. We accept monetary contributions and non-monetary contributions such as building materials, educational materials, and health materials. For monetary contributions, a financial deposit can be made to the LEEF project account with our partner organization Leraars zonder Grenzen (LzG).


Bank Details: BE48 5230 8027 2427; the payment reference is "Gift to LzG: LEEF-Liberia."



"The life of a man consists not seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


We welcome volunteer support from anyone with a passion for empowerment through education and mentorship. Some of the ways you can assist us are by donating your time to help with project initiatives, by hosting a book or educational drive or by hosting a fundraising event. All volunteer shares the vision and mission of LEEF. We also welcome volunteers to help with our school building project.


Sponsor A Child's Education

You can also sponsor a child’s education with an amount of 50 USD per academic semester. Thus, sponsoring a child’s education for a whole school year is equivalent to 100 USD (90 euros) per school year.


Organize A Fundraiser

You may help us raise funds by organizing an event for our projects or a fundraiser. Please contact us if you need help with the setup; our volunteers will be ready to assist you.

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To support our projects and educational initiatives, donations can be made to LEEF bank account:

IBAN BE49 0689 0645 9771. The bank BIC code is GKCCBEBB.

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