Our SChool
Innovative Approach

Education Philosophy
At Liberia Entrepreneur Educational Foundation School (LEEFS), we employ a community-based integrated education focusing on students needs and skills. Our approach is modern, and we utilize a hybrid approach to education integrating academic, technical/vocational education of national and international standard. Teaching a rigorous preschool through elementary and junior high core curriculums, we emphasize Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education, as well as developing reading and communication skills that are needed to be functional in this globalized world. We not just focus on academic, but also sports, creative and performing arts.
Education & learning​
Study Offers
Early learning
Our nursery department consist of our youngest children that are competent and curious. The learning method is a combination of different styles of exploratory learning that lay the foundation for developing the skill sets for their next educational journey.
We provide a holistic approach to lay the ground to prepare our students for elementary school. Our students learn through different partnership styles of education to develop the skills for the next stage of their learning journey. We focus on Letters and sounds, Numbers and skills
Think and Learn, Writing, Phonics, and Language and Problem-solving.
We believe each child is unique; at this stage, we help develop curiosity in our students and stimulate creative learning. We instill the ability to think critically and guide them through the curricular activities. Our students are taught accoriding to subjects and themes using national curriculum and the Abeka International curriculum. We provide extra curriculum activities such as Computer Training, Music, Arts and Craft.
We prepare our students in the Middle School for High School. Our Middle School program is designed to help our students continuously develop their skills to enable them to embark on the next journey. Learning is interactive through concrete problem solving, connecting the real-world scenario with curriculum subjects. Our educational model combines the national curriculum and the Abeka International series. To make learning fun, we have extracurricular activities - music and sports.
vocational & technical school
We provide computer training skills for young adolescents and adults who are school dropouts. LEEFS provides certification programs for beginners to advanced computer training, electricity, fashion design, baking, etc.
School Life​
Let Girls Learn
School Calendar year is based on the planning by the Ministry of Education.
Come and enroll with us today!

Enrollment is now open for the academic year 2024-2025. We provide sustainable, accessible, and quality education in a friendly learning environment utilizing a hybrid approach to education integrating academic, technical/vocational education of international standard and national curriculum. Teaching a rigorous core curriculums, we emphasize Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education, as well as developing reading and communication skills.
For more information about our school and registration process please contact us at:
Lee Hill Community / Building for Tomorrow
Upper Johnsonville Montserrado County
Administrative Contact: +231880381249/+231770529870
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