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Education! A Powerful Tool!

In 2018, I was nominated along with others in Hoeilaart as an ambassador for the Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education. For me, education is essential, and I believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to the education system. The education of a child during his or her early stages is paramount in shaping their future. Education is a human right. However, this right applies to some children around the globe. Most children in developing countries may never enjoy the right to education. The UN secretary-general said, “When we put education first, we can reduce poverty, hunger and end wasted potential and look forward to stronger and better societies for all.’’

Liberia's education system has been severely affected by the Liberian civil war. There are fewer schools providing quality education, a lack of qualified teachers, and school supplies. The illiteracy rate in Liberia is high and even higher for girls. Haven experience the fragile school system, giving back to help others reach their full potential is the least I can do. I understand the educational needs and the impact of LEEF Foundation projects. Therefore, LEEF Foundation aims to advocate for the right to education, create opportunities, and access to education.

Read more about Hoeilaart's ambassadors for the sustainable development goals here:

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